As you are aware, The Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT) is a non-profit society organized for the purpose of encouraging basic and clinical scientists who are interested in areas of Brain Mapping, engineering, stem cell, nanotechnology, imaging and medical device to improve the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients afflicted with neurological disorders.

The society promotes the public welfare and improves patient care through the translation of new technologies/therapies into lifesaving diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The society is committed to excellence in education, and scientific discovery. The society achieves its mission through multi-disciplinary collaborations with government agencies, patient advocacy groups, educational institutes and industry as well as philanthropic organization.

  • Uskudar University
  • E-psikiyatri Nöropsikiyatri Portalı
  • Prof. Dr. Nevzat TARHAN Kişisel Web Sayfası
  • Mutlu Yuva Mutlu Yaşam Derneği
  • Haydi Tut Elimi Derneği
  • TANPA - Turkish American Neuropsychiatric Association