- Brain - a zoomable high resolution brain image database.
- MRIcro home page - a pc-based image viewer
- Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FSL)
- Functional Imaging Laboratory - Wellcome Dept. of Cognitive Neurology (SPM)
- The NeuroTree - a neuroscience academic genealogy
- Research Imaging Center
- SPM Anatomy Toolbox
- University of Utah Hyperbrain
- Volumes of Interest Database
- Digital Anatomist
- The Navigable Atlas of the Human Brain (labeled multi-modality atlas)
- the Brain Museum (comparative atlases)
Centers & Labs
- Image Analysis and Computation Lab (Hopkins)
- MGH NMR Center
- Montreal Neurological Institute
- Foundation for Psycho-cultural Research-UCLA Center for Culture, Brain, and Development
- Stanford: Vision and Imaging Science and Technology and Vision Laboratory
- UCLA Center for Cognitive Phenomics
- UCLA Vision Science Collective
- UCSD fMRI group
- University of Washington Human Brain Project
- Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior
- Washington University NeuroImaging Laboratory